Welcome to my tiny corner on the internet, a personal space on the World Wide Web dedicated to what I'm interested in, filled with what I'm reading, listening, bookmarking, writing, and working on. My name is Alta - a creative generalist who loves to craft and build things and tries to use technology for a multitude of noble purposes: increasing individual freedom, promoting mental health, delving into philosophy, extending the human lifespan, ensuring the safety of Artificial Intelligence, and reducing Existential Risks. As someone deeply invested in Design Thinking, I'm committed to contributing towards a future marked by responsible innovation.
My daydream lately is trying to figure out how to crack the human brain to make learning as irresistible as scrolling through Instagram and as easy as binge-watching your favorite shows.
This curated collection of work samples, representing my body of work, demonstrates my diverse skills and experience in project management, communication, design, and program development. It highlights my ability to create impactful solutions across various domains, including technology, education, and social impact.
My digital garden is a virtual greenhouse where I nurture my curiosity and cultivate ideas. Think of it as a curated wilderness with winding pathways leading to different corners of my mind. You can follow the "footprints"—a collection of in-depth analyses and thought-provoking essays—to discover what I've been exploring. Or, explore the "compost heap"—a collection of loose, unopinionated notes on things I'm still trying to understand—where I share insightful articles and resources that have fertilized my thinking.
No cobwebs or creaky floorboards here, just a curated collection of the books that have shaped my cyborg brain. From classic philosophy to mind-bending sci-fi, these are the reads that have challenged my thinking, sparked my imagination, and generally made me a more interesting person (or so I like to think).
Dusty vinyl and scratched CDs are like wildflowers in this sonic garden—a little rough around the edges, but full of unexpected beauty. This is Bloomtunes, a collection of sonic blooms that have nurtured my cyborg soul. As Nietzsche said, "without music, life would be a mistake." From Taylor Swift's lyrical gardens to the hazy landscapes of lo-fi, the soulful depths of jazz, and the timeworn echoes of old country and mind-bending electronica, these sounds have irrigated my creativity and helped me blossom into the (occasionally glitching) cyborg I am today.